Everything TELLS A STORY.

revitalization strategy

the challenge

In our mission to breathe new life into TJ MAXX, we're getting down to the nitty-gritty of today's shopping scene. We're on a quest to tweak TJ MAXX's vibe, making sure it hits home with both its loyal followers and potential newcomers. And in a world where everyone's clicking 'add to cart,' we're determined to inject some excitement back into the good old-fashioned art of browsing in-store.

The insight

Shopping often serves as a muted projection, revealing deeper stories of our interests.

The process

We kicked off our research in classic strategist style: posted up in a TJ MAXX parking lot, chatting with shoppers about their experiences. Our focus: shopping experience, Why TJ MAXX, and their shopping style. Yet, the results were lackluster, leading us to pivot to social media. There, we stumbled upon the quirky 'TJ MAXX poop phenomenon'—shoppers supposedly dashing to the restroom due to excitement. Skeptical? Click the link. Despite initial interest, we swiftly shelved this as a dead end.

Digging deeper, we uncovered a fascinating trend: 'expectation-less shopping.' TJ MAXX patrons embrace the ever-changing inventory, shopping without a plan. Intrigued, we revisited the store with a burning question: do shoppers come with a shopping list? Surprisingly, 40% confessed to flying solo, relying on luck to guide their purchases.

Empowered by this insight, we left, only to stumble upon a forgotten receipt in the parking lot. Our curiosity piqued, we scanned its contents: a dog bowl, inflatable mattresses, goggles, and heels. This odd mix left us wondering about its purpose—a mystery we couldn't resist solving.

The strategy

The best stories unfold through eclectic selections.



Imagine those moments when you're casually strolling through your day, and you chance upon a discarded receipt. Ever wonder about the story behind those purchases? We're taking those fleeting moments and bringing them to life, placing them front and center for everyone to see. Each receipt is a narrative in itself, a snapshot of someone's life captured through the items they bought.

Experiential Receipt Readings

Shoppers simply scan their receipts, and our machine works its magic. In return, they receive a personalized reading tailored to their purchases.

my contributions



Survey Development

1:1 Interviews

Brief Writing

Social Listening

BRAND RESEARCH • CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT • Survey Development • 1:1 Interviews • Brief Writing • Social Listening •

Meet the Team


